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Everything you need to get that book out of your head and start writing in less than an hour.
* 6+ simple steps.
* 2,000 words.
* 1 easy & actionable template you can use to start writing your book, TODAY.

So, what's in it for you?

  • ​Unleash the technique of quick ideation and capturing thoughts
  • ​Master the art of categorizing and sequencing your ideas
  • ​Discover how to convert ideas into an intriguing book outline
  • ​Learn to refine your outline into a cohesive narrative
  • ​Uncover the secret to maintaining momentum and motivation
  • ​Supercharge your writing speed—watch as pages fill up faster than ever before
With this free download, you'll get the 6 essential steps every soon-to-be author needs to transform their idea into a published work and reach their dream of being an author.
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